Gut Microbiota

Gut microbiota exists in every individual. It is a mix of microorganisms, bacteria, and fungi that reside in our gut. Together they work towards breaking and converting the food we ingest, into different forms, suitable to be absorbed by the various functional systems in our body. Interestingly, this gut microbiota is also responsible for controlling the secretion of hormones that trigger our mood. So it is essential to keep them happy and thriving because their health is directly linked to our overall wellbeing.

Food Sensitivity

Identifies food-specific IgG antibody levels and genetic analysis of metabolism

Food Sensitivity

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Neuro Transmission

Determines the current stress load in your body by identifying presence inducing hormones

Neuro Transmission

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Metabolic Status

Determines your metabolic type (also called as Meta-Type) defined by CoGAP

Metabolic Status

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